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This "I" which approaches the text is already itself a plurality of other texts, of codes that are infinite or, more precisely, lost (whose origin is lost). Barthes- SZ, Hill, and Wang 1974, V. Reading, Forgetting, p.10

Please insert the word ‘photograph’ for 'I'


A family Photo in an album when taken out from an album and attached to a new photo may propose completely a new view and perspective. For example, a photo of a family's inherited hair becomes a political discourse in the hands of another artist.


In Intersecting Dialogues, the participants play a game with photographs. Artists repeatedly look at the meanings of photographs taken by someone for various reasons at an unknown time.   They borrow them, cut them, distort them, remake them, displace the given meanings, and create a new "code".   They multiply the experience of looking at a photograph without the urge to reach a conclusion .


While this state of appropriation, is a startling experience for the artist, opens the door to different inquiries, and offer the viewer to look at photography in a different way.


Visitors will experience "Intersecting Dialogues" and create their unique fiction. 



Workshop and Exhibition Setup 


Arzu Arbak



Aliye Altunbilek

Ayşecan Kurtay

Sibel Kaçamak

Suzan Bayazıt


Ipek Yeginsu


About Workshop


Intersecting Dialogues is an undertaking to create a visual pattern based on single photographs. Participants are invited to evaluate the potential meaning of single photographs. And then they question how the meaning changes when new photos are added. The study, which provides a roadmap for the enrichment of photographic expression forms, also opens up space for its participants to reflect on their ways of seeing.


In the workshop, the participants will create a pattern from their photos and photos of other participants. They will construct a series of patterns consisting of 2-3 or 4 photographs.  While the series is being edited, photographs of other participants can also be used and cropped by the artists. Each series will be discussed, comments will be made and approaches will be questioned. Selections made within all series will finally be combined to form a broad photographic pattern.

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